Women’s Health

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Superfood that I forgot about!

Here's a question that I get asked all of the time. I'm an acupuncture physician and an applied clinical nutritionist, and I'm the President of Longevity Wellness. I'm Cynthia Clark, and the question is, how do I spend the least amount of money on supplements and on healthcare? This question is really close to my heart because I grew [...]

How to come off anti-depressants + Meghan’s Story

It's days like these that make me so incredibly grateful to get to do what I do in life! I'm about to share with you one of the loveliest journeys off anti-depressants I have ever seen.  You're welcome to hop straight to the video of Meghan's story below of getting off anti-depressants. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_QXf07D_XUg There are many reasons people seek help, [...]

Which Sunscreen is Safe? And THANK YOU!

Which sunscreen is safe?  I get asked this question a lot, therefore this is the first in a series on Sunscreen Safety. But first - THANK YOU to everyone who has donated to Ironman Texas for Lionfish Central fundraiser!  In just less than one week, we're at 84% of our goal!  We are SO grateful!  There's still time to join [...]