Here’s a question that I get asked all of the time. I’m an acupuncture physician and an applied clinical nutritionist, and I’m the President of Longevity Wellness. I’m Cynthia Clark, and the question is, how do I spend the least amount of money on supplements and on healthcare? This question is really close to my heart because I grew up without a lot of money and I worked my way through engineering school. I didn’t have a lot of money then. And I’d like to answer that question for you with a really fun story that happened to me this past weekend. I was down in the Florida Keys taking this amazing class, and learning how to become a submersible pilot. So that I could be part of the normalizing the lionfish in the Oceans movement.  Check out for more information on that.


And while I was at dinner with this large group of people that I had never met before, I ordered a dish thatI had forgotten about!  It is so packed with nutrients and I haven’t had it for a very long time, and I spiked this very strong response.  Here I am at the table of a group of strangers and I’m like, Wow. Whoa. This is amazing. My whole face is turning red! And at eight o’clock at night, which is usually my bedtime following the Chinese medicine clock, I was ready to go for a run and conquer the world.

I’ll bet you want to know what I ate, but I’m gonna tease you a little bit and I’m gonna tell you why I felt that way first, and I’ll, I’ll leave it as an exercise for you to guess what it was I might have eaten.

First thing about this particular food is that it is super rich and the fat soluble vitamins, which are vitamins A D E and K.

Vitamin A, good for the eyes, vitamin D, good for the bones, Vitamin E is that high in antioxidants and vitamin K is for blood clotting. And also forbones. Uh, and by the way, for those of you familiar with the standard process lineup, this food is in a few different supplements. One of them is standard process plex. I’m gonna have a little contest for you at the end of this, so pay attention as we go along.

Second reason that I felt so fantastic eating this food is because it’s high in protein.

Proteins are building blocks for all of the cells in the human body. So that’s awesome. And that felt fantastic. And another standard process supplement that this food is in is Betacol, which is one of my favorites for helping to regulate the bile production and the bowel movement.

Third reason that this food is a superstar is because it’s amazing for the immune system.

I don’t know a person on the planet that is not very interested in boosting their immune system these days. And the reason for that is because it’s so high in the antioxidants and it protects against free radical damage, and it is also in Standard Process Cataplex B, which is one of the heart supplements that helps to strengthen the heart.

Fourth reason that it’s an awesome rockstar superstar is because it boosts energy levels, and of course, that’s my favorite.

It is a rich source of iron, which carries the um, hemoglobin, which is the protein that binds. Two, that carries oxygen to the cells.

It also helps improve energy levels and decreases fatigue. So I love, love, love, love, love anything that helps me with energy because I love having great energy! And it is also in standard processes. Liga Plex two, which is excellent for repairing tendons and ligaments in the body. So it’s a great athlete formula.  It’s also a great everyday person formula because we got aches and pains and strains. It’s also really good for the heart too.

Number five is another big favorite of mine, which is that it supports brain function.

I put all my favorite things in my brain so I like to be able to get them back!

It is a great source of choline which is awesome for both memory and mood. And I was about to be sitting in a class learning how to become a submersible pilot. So it was really important information. I wan to be fully present. I wan to absorb all of the information.  I want be focused and I don’t want to have any moods distracting me from the project at hand.

What is this amazing superfood?  Your parents ate it, and your grandparents before them.  It is also in standard processes, Livaplex. So that name gives it away – LIVER!

And I’ve got have a little contest for you today!  There is one other standard processed supplement in particular that I’m thinking of that is absolutely phenomenal.  It’s a multivitamin that’s particularly good for restoring iron levels. And I’ll give you a little bit of a hint, which is that it always makes me think of a dancer.  So if you will type that into the comments below the You Tube video, and then from that I’m going to gift a standard process backpack to the winner.

It is a really, really, really fantastic backpack that’s got all these great little nooks and crannies. It’s just like the one I took down to the keys with me.  Thank you for paying attention and educating yourself!

One thing I often hear when I tell people about the benefits of eating liver is, oh my God, I would never eat that. It’s a filter for the body. It’s full of crap. Pardon my language.  The truth of the matter is: What liver does is it transforms toxins. So how do you get toxins out of the body?

You pee ’em out, you poop ’em out, you breathe ’em out, you sweat ’em out. You gotta do it in one of those four ways. That’s how it works. In order to get them out of the body, the liver transforms them through phase one detoxification, where it breaks things down into smaller particles, into phase two detoxification, where it’s gonna bind it to, uh, to, to water that can get it out of the body.

Liver is responsible for getting toxins out of the body but it’s not like a big net or like a colander or something that just catches all the toxins because that would, that would be problematic over time, right? Like that wouldn’t work by the time we were 20, we wouldn’t be able to walk around.

However, there are some things that make it harder for the liver to do its job. You already know the first one, it’s alcohol, so be gentle to your livers with the alcohol. And the second one is stress. That’s a really important topic lately and we’ll talk more later about how qigong is a really powerful way to help your body doing this deal with stress.

There’s also a ton of great supplements that help but eating well help too. So I hope this has been fun for you. It sure was for me. Let me know if you try liver, type it in the comments, let me know how you had it. Uh, I smothered in mine with barbecue sauce being a good girl from Texas and that worked great for me.  I. know it’s not ideal – I’m working up to that!  I forgave myself forall of the toxins like high fructose corn syrup that were in the barbecue sauce and said, the liver’s gonna help me get them out, . It was totally worth it.

Let me know the answer to that question about which standard process supplement is it that acts as a multivitamin, helps to regulate your iron levels and sounds like a dancer?

Winner gets an AWESOME Standard Process Backpack!

I’m Cynthia Clark of Longevity Wellness, and that’s good medicine!