

Bronchiectasis, COPD, Pulmonary Fibrosis and Oriental Medicine

Lung Burning https://youtu.be/5FuuSDQAtJ8 Bronchiectasis is a chronic respiratory condition characterized by the dilation and damage of the bronchial tubes, leading to recurrent infections and breathing difficulties. Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) views bronchiectasis as a pattern of disharmony between different organ systems and identifies several TCM diagnoses associated with this condition. Some of the possible TCM diagnoses for [...]

Chinese Medicine for High Blood Pressure

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) approaches high blood pressure as an imbalance in the body, and it identifies several differentiations or patterns that may contribute to high blood pressure.  In TCM, "high blood pressure" is considered one SYMPTOM of an accurate root cause diagnosis - NOT the END of the CONVERSATION! High BP TCM Liver Yang Rising causing [...]

Heart Healthy Herbs

Frankincense  Heart Healthy Herbs - Difference between essential oils and herbs Herbs and essential oils are both derived from plants, but they are different in a few key ways: Preparation: Herbs are usually prepared by drying the plant material and using it in teas, tinctures, or other forms of supplementation. Essential oils are obtained by distilling the plant material, [...]

WOW! Thank you from Lionfish Central!

WOW!   The outpouring of generosity for Lionfish Central has been incredible, and the generosity has been humbling and beautiful! Thank you so very much for helping to normalize the populations of Lionfish in our oceans, and to make them a safe place for us and future generations. Thank you, thank you, thank you!  Please click the video below [...]

Pain killers, low back pain, memory and happy endings!

A Heartbreaking Story with a Happy Ending about lower back pain and pain killers Pain killers can cause personality changes and memory issues, but there is good news.  Some time ago a gentleman in his mid-40’s walked into my clinic with a story that really hit my heart. In his mid-20’s, when everything was going fine in life, he had [...]

How to come off anti-depressants + Meghan’s Story

It's days like these that make me so incredibly grateful to get to do what I do in life! I'm about to share with you one of the loveliest journeys off anti-depressants I have ever seen.  You're welcome to hop straight to the video of Meghan's story below of getting off anti-depressants. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_QXf07D_XUg There are many reasons people seek help, [...]

Which Sunscreen is Safe? And THANK YOU!

Which sunscreen is safe?  I get asked this question a lot, therefore this is the first in a series on Sunscreen Safety. But first - THANK YOU to everyone who has donated to Ironman Texas for Lionfish Central fundraiser!  In just less than one week, we're at 84% of our goal!  We are SO grateful!  There's still time to join [...]

Holiday Hangover and Parasites

Happy New Year! I hope you had a really fabulous holiday! If you're like most people you ate some degree of different, delicious food during this time. This weekend you might have experienced (or still be experiencing) a bit of a Holiday Hangover. If you like to skip ahead to the end, here's the moral of this story is: [...]