The outpouring of generosity for Lionfish Central has been incredible, and the generosity has been humbling and beautiful! Thank you so very much for helping to normalize the populations of Lionfish in our oceans, and to make them a safe place for us and future generations. Thank you, thank you, thank you!  Please click the video below to hear the thank you from the founder, Scott Gonnello, and ME!  You’ll get to hear all the good our donations are doing, and where the money is going!
Or click here to watch it!
And there’s still time to donate! We’re at 97% of our goal!!!! It would be amazing to blow this out of the water, so to speak! Just click here to donate!…/dr-cynthia-clark-ironman…/
Remember, every donation over $100 earns you one of the super-cool shirts that I’m wearing! UPF 50, with long sleeves and hood which I LOVE to wear after diving!
Thank you thank you thank you for donating! 🙂. 🙂 🙂. Thank you for being a good human. Thank you for those who have reached out and asked for additional ways to help. Thank you for spreading awareness so that we know the right thing to do. Thank you, thank you, thank you for making the world a better place! You’re AWESOME!
And thank you ALSO for your referrals to Longevity Wellness!  Our Sailboat Cruise Contest is going on through February 17!  All you have to do is refer someone who books their initial appointment by Feb 17, and you get entered in the contest for a spot on the Sarasota Sailboat cruise!
Just have them email or call (941) 923-9355 to get booked, and be sure they know to tell you YOU sent them!
Finally, one more HUGE thank you – last week all four of our INDEPENDENT communications systems failed.  So. yes, that means that if you reached out to us last week, we didn’t get the message.  Happily, all systems have been upgraded so we are ON IT now.  Thank you for your patience, and a VERY SPECIAL thank you to the new client who didn’t give up reaching out to us…and is the ONLY WAY we found out about all of our systems being down so quickly!  I’m so grateful for her faith in us – even though she didnt know us – and her determination to connect.  When we got back up, we found a huge backlog of people trying to get in touch with us!  This is my note to myself to remember – don’t assume those other people are jerks, or lazy.  They might not be getting the message!  This makes me laugh every time now.  🙂