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Dr. Cynthia Clark

About Dr. Cynthia Clark

A highly skilled and award-winning acupuncturist, Applied Clinical Nutritionist, Herbalist, and Doctor of Oriental Medicine, Dr. Cynthia Clark has successfully treated clients with a wide range of health issues including musculoskeletal, reproductive, psychological, respiratory, digestive and nervous system disorders.

What causes psoriasis?

Bradenton Natural Psoriasis In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), psoriasis is believed to be caused by a combination of factors, including external triggers and internal imbalances. External triggers may include exposure to cold, dry weather, wind, or excessive heat, as well as physical or emotional stress, injuries, or infections. These factors can disrupt the body's natural balance of [...]

Bronchiectasis, COPD, Pulmonary Fibrosis and Oriental Medicine

Lung Burning https://youtu.be/5FuuSDQAtJ8 Bronchiectasis is a chronic respiratory condition characterized by the dilation and damage of the bronchial tubes, leading to recurrent infections and breathing difficulties. Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) views bronchiectasis as a pattern of disharmony between different organ systems and identifies several TCM diagnoses associated with this condition. Some of the possible TCM diagnoses for [...]

Superfood that I forgot about!

Here's a question that I get asked all of the time. I'm an acupuncture physician and an applied clinical nutritionist, and I'm the President of Longevity Wellness. I'm Cynthia Clark, and the question is, how do I spend the least amount of money on supplements and on healthcare? This question is really close to my heart because I grew [...]

Safe Natural and Effective PAIN Relief

Why are safe and natural cures for pain relief also so effective?  If you have ever experienced pain, or you're over 50, or you're an athlete, then you've probably experienced the frustrating and sometimes debilitating pain that limits your lifestyle.  WHY do they work, and what are my favorites?  As a triathlete and small business owner, I'm motivated to [...]

TIbetan Rhodiola and Athletic Performance

Tibetan Rhodiola has long been used for enhancing athletic performance, and I recently had the chance to experiment with it.  I loved it! https://youtu.be/lY6X3YBSoYU Tibetan Rhodiola "The Arctic Rose" Scientific Name: Rhodiola rosea What is Tibetan Rhodiola, and why is it good for athletic performance? Tibetan Rhodiola, also known as Rhodiola rosea, is a plant that grows in [...]

Rancid Oil and Alzheimer’s

Rancid oils are oils that have undergone oxidative degradation, and they can contribute to Azheimer's.  Oxidative degradation is a process where the oil reacts with oxygen in the air and breaks down. This process can result in the formation of harmful compounds, such as free radicals, that can be damaging to cells and tissues in the body. Consuming rancid [...]

NSAIDs and Heart Attacks

Can NSAIDs contribute to heart attacks?  Given that in some populations like the elderly as many as 95% of people take NSAIDs safety is important to consider. And in all honesty, as my Ironman training is increasing and so is my age, I've been having some aches and pains myself that I would like a quick, simple, cheap solution [...]

Chinese Medicine for High Blood Pressure

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) approaches high blood pressure as an imbalance in the body, and it identifies several differentiations or patterns that may contribute to high blood pressure.  In TCM, "high blood pressure" is considered one SYMPTOM of an accurate root cause diagnosis - NOT the END of the CONVERSATION! High BP TCM Liver Yang Rising causing [...]

Chinese Herbs and Anxiety

Can Chinese herbs be used to treat even severe diseases like anxiety? Chinese Herbs Anxiety Chinese herbs have been used to treat a variety of health options including anxiety for thousands of years in traditional Chinese medicine.  They are powerful supporters of mental health, as they approach it from a different standpoint altogether.  Here's why: in Chinese [...]

Heart Healthy Herbs

Frankincense  Heart Healthy Herbs - Difference between essential oils and herbs Herbs and essential oils are both derived from plants, but they are different in a few key ways: Preparation: Herbs are usually prepared by drying the plant material and using it in teas, tinctures, or other forms of supplementation. Essential oils are obtained by distilling the plant material, [...]