
Everybody Stay Calm! Cultivating Serenity

Western medicine and mental health practitioners view anxiety and stress as purely psychological conditions. However, Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) presents a perspective considered unique in the medical community. In TCM, anxiety is caused by imbalances in the body, specifically the "zang-fu organs" or the heart, liver, spleen, lungs, and kidneys. Each of these organs plays a known role in [...]

8 Benefits of Dong Quai

While it may not be well known outside the holistic community, Dong Quai is one of the most commonly used herbs in Traditional Chinese Medicine. It's acknowledged as a valuable health supplement for women, most often used for hot flashes and estrogen balance.


4 Real Benefits of TCM

TCM is a comprehensive natural medical system designed to repair your body’s own healing mechanisms. It is physically and psychologically beneficial in many ways. Here are just four unique advantages of incorporating TCM into your total health regimen. 


Keeping New Year’s Resolutions Through TCM

New Year's resolutions require motivation, and those who commit to them often struggle to stay on track. Resolutions typically require forming a new lifestyle habit, which is one of the hardest things for humans to do.  We don't often make a connection between a healthy body and a strong mind, but ensuring that the body is in balance is an excellent way to begin.  Most resolutions are geared towards better health and nutrition, improved relationships, ending addictive habits, and more proactive goal-setting, making them a genuinely admirable pursuit. This year, we suggest a new and innovative way to make - and keep - your 2022 resolutions and create a better life. 

2022-01-24T17:23:31-05:00Acupuncture, TCM|