New Year’s resolutions require motivation, and those who commit to them often struggle to stay on track. Resolutions typically require forming a new lifestyle habit, which is one of the hardest things for humans to do. 

In the United States, we don’t often make a connection between a healthy body and a strong mind. So when you want to make a mental change, ensuring that the body is in balance is an excellent way to begin. 

Most resolutions are geared towards better health and nutrition, improved relationships, ending addictive habits, and more proactive goal-setting, making them a genuinely admirable pursuit. This year, we suggest a new and innovative way to make – and keep – your 2022 resolutions and create a better life. 

How Does Acupuncture Help You Achieve Your Goals? 

In order to successfully fulfill our New Year’s resolutions, we need motivation and peace of mind. 

Acupuncture is a technique originating in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). Practitioners stimulate specific points on the body by using very thin needles inserted through the skin. The practice is known to balance and create harmony in the body, and can also achieve stress reduction and an increase in overall serenity. We should also mention one additional benefit of acupuncture for the sake of this article – it can result in increased motivation! 

Key Point: By manipulating points, channels, and meridians, acupuncture can achieve balance in the body, easing mind and body pathology. The resulting healthy feelings and emotions will provide motivation and physical energy, helping you to stay focused and on track with your resolutions. Acupuncture therapy can clear mental fog, making it easier to make thoughtful decisions.

The most common resolutions in this country include:

* Dieting, exercising, losing weight, getting fit 

* Eating less sugar

* Drinking less alcohol, smoking less, or quitting altogether 

* Spending less time on technology and games

* Spending more quality time with loved ones

* Finding a better job or making more money 

Many people do not realize that balancing your body’s systems and being more at peace can help you manage emotions, cravings, and temptations. The sense of serenity reported by those who indulge in acupuncture can make you think more clearly and remember what motivated the resolution in the first place.  

Key Point: Acupuncture can promote feelings of calm and serenity while minimizing irritability, anger, and negative reactions that can derail you.

Acupuncturists manipulate your “Qi” or “vital energy force,” but they are also typically extensively trained in both eastern and western nutrition. They provide guidance to help you formulate a list of beneficial food choices specifically tailored to your body’s needs. In addition to a healthy diet, your therapist may recommend herbal supplements to reach your health and wellness goals. Many TCM practitioners can prescribe Chinese herbal formulas that specifically address your unique diagnosis.

Finally, a professional acupuncturist can teach you about other stress-reducing methodologies, such as Qi gong and meditation. Balancing your Qi minimizes cravings for food, drinks, or habits and gives you more willpower. 

Start the New Year Right 

More people realize the amazing benefits of non-Western medicinal techniques and natural therapies every day. If you are seeking a new way to look and feel your best, stay motivated, and have more energy, come see us at the Longevity Wellness Clinic of Sarasota. We can help you to identify and break through any obstacles standing in the way of seeing your New Year’s resolution to completion. 

In 2022, make your overall health and wellness a priority. Call Dr. Cynthia at Longevity Wellness Clinic today.