Until recently, if you saw an acupuncturist or decided to try cupping, people looked at you sideways. These healthcare methods were considered too “weird” or alternative for many people, reminiscent of how people viewed chiropractic a few decades ago. But acupuncture and cupping are no more strange than using herbal teas – in fact, these practices predate Western medicine by thousands of years.

If you are committed to learning more about natural and holistic medicine, the benefits of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) should be high on your list. 

TCM is a comprehensive natural medical system designed to repair your body’s own healing mechanisms. It is physically and psychologically beneficial in many ways. Here are just four unique advantages of incorporating TCM into your total health regimen. 

1. Reduce and Minimize Inflammation: 

Many medical professionals consider inflammation to be the primary cause of various diseases, including diabetes, heart disease, cancer, and a host of autoimmune conditions. Therefore, reducing inflammation – and keeping it at bay – is vital to maintaining health and preventing disease. 

Traditional Chinese Medicine methods such as acupuncture and acupressure stimulate the nerve pathways that can suppress inflammation and swelling in the body. Professional herbalists also utilize anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial Chinese treatments to fight disease and reinforce immunity.

2. Get a Good Night’s Sleep: 

Experts agree that most adults require between seven and eight hours of quality sleep every night. Adequate sleep will improve blood circulation, support cognitive strength, and alleviate anxiety and stress. 

Chinese teas and herbs represent natural ways to address sleep problems such as insomnia. Jujube seeds, for instance, can regulate the nervous system and promote serenity while reducing fatigue. Acupuncture is known to regulate the qi in the body, destroying damaging pathogens and boosting health. Activating specific pressure points can reduce anxiety, enhance the production of melatonin, and alleviate disruption in one’s overall sleep patterns. 

3. Improve Agility, Flexibility, and Muscle Strength:

For good reason, physical exercise is the traditional go-to method of burning fat and increasing muscle tone. Exercise is beneficial to our bodies in many ways. However, TCM offers an alternate route to improve flexibility and strength and may be safer for many individuals (such as older adults). 

Tai Chi is known to enhance balance and overall strength and improve posture and mobility. The aerobic workout integrates carefully designed movement that harnesses and cultivates energy. It balances the qi, strengthens the immune system, and allows optimum health and function. 

4. Support Cognitive Ability: 

Traditional Chinese Medicine is beneficial for your physical health, but it can also help you stay mentally sharp. TCM can control hormones in the body, elevating one’s mood.

Acupuncture has been shown to help alleviate symptoms of depression, and Chinese herbs such as the ginkgo biloba have been utilized to treat age-related cognitive disorders and improve memory. Acupressure also appears to be beneficial in coping with mild cognitive impairment that may eventually lead to dementia if not treated. 

Should You Try TCM? 

In summary, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is a system of health and wellness that targets achieving the balance and harmony of energy in the body. Many practices fall under the umbrella of TCM, and we have only touched on the many health benefits they provide.

Western studies continue to reveal the power of TCM as a treatment option, but these methods have been revered and trusted by the Chinese for millennia. If you are interested in learning more about TCM and how it may help you in your health journey, call Longevity Wellness Clinic for a consultation.