

Heart Healthy Herbs

Frankincense  Heart Healthy Herbs - Difference between essential oils and herbs Herbs and essential oils are both derived from plants, but they are different in a few key ways: Preparation: Herbs are usually prepared by drying the plant material and using it in teas, tinctures, or other forms of supplementation. Essential oils are obtained by distilling the plant material, [...]

Pain killers, low back pain, memory and happy endings!

A Heartbreaking Story with a Happy Ending about lower back pain and pain killers Pain killers can cause personality changes and memory issues, but there is good news.  Some time ago a gentleman in his mid-40’s walked into my clinic with a story that really hit my heart. In his mid-20’s, when everything was going fine in life, he had [...]

How to come off anti-depressants + Meghan’s Story

It's days like these that make me so incredibly grateful to get to do what I do in life! I'm about to share with you one of the loveliest journeys off anti-depressants I have ever seen.  You're welcome to hop straight to the video of Meghan's story below of getting off anti-depressants. There are many reasons people seek help, [...]

Which Sunscreen is Safe? And THANK YOU!

Which sunscreen is safe?  I get asked this question a lot, therefore this is the first in a series on Sunscreen Safety. But first - THANK YOU to everyone who has donated to Ironman Texas for Lionfish Central fundraiser!  In just less than one week, we're at 84% of our goal!  We are SO grateful!  There's still time to join [...]

Significant improvement in energy and dizziness; also Alzheimer’s heavy metals & mold, and Strep A & the heart

WOW!  We have been learning SO MUCH recently!  I wanted to take a moment and share THREE of the cases we've been learning and researching over here at Longevity.  Why?  Everyone has a core value, a belief that is so engrained in them they would do just about anything to uphold. Mine is that I REALLY like people [...]