

What causes psoriasis?

Bradenton Natural Psoriasis In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), psoriasis is believed to be caused by a combination of factors, including external triggers and internal imbalances. External triggers may include exposure to cold, dry weather, wind, or excessive heat, as well as physical or emotional stress, injuries, or infections. These factors can disrupt the body's natural balance of [...]

Chinese Herbs and Anxiety

Can Chinese herbs be used to treat even severe diseases like anxiety? Chinese Herbs Anxiety Chinese herbs have been used to treat a variety of health options including anxiety for thousands of years in traditional Chinese medicine.  They are powerful supporters of mental health, as they approach it from a different standpoint altogether.  Here's why: in Chinese [...]

Pain killers, low back pain, memory and happy endings!

A Heartbreaking Story with a Happy Ending about lower back pain and pain killers Pain killers can cause personality changes and memory issues, but there is good news.  Some time ago a gentleman in his mid-40’s walked into my clinic with a story that really hit my heart. In his mid-20’s, when everything was going fine in life, he had [...]

How to come off anti-depressants + Meghan’s Story

It's days like these that make me so incredibly grateful to get to do what I do in life! I'm about to share with you one of the loveliest journeys off anti-depressants I have ever seen.  You're welcome to hop straight to the video of Meghan's story below of getting off anti-depressants. There are many reasons people seek help, [...]

Epstein Barr Virus WIN!

I'm so excited about this BIG WIN this week, that I HAD to share this story with you!  Here's something I've learned recently.  Remember that horrible bug from high school years, this kissing disease mono?  That's short for infections mononucleousis, and it's caused by the Epstein Barr virus, or EBV for short. Once you have EBV it generally hangs [...]

Significant improvement in energy and dizziness; also Alzheimer’s heavy metals & mold, and Strep A & the heart

WOW!  We have been learning SO MUCH recently!  I wanted to take a moment and share THREE of the cases we've been learning and researching over here at Longevity.  Why?  Everyone has a core value, a belief that is so engrained in them they would do just about anything to uphold. Mine is that I REALLY like people [...]