

Ironman Training – Day 4

Captain's Log: Stardate Day 4 of Ironman Training - 50 min bike ride. Roll out of bed at 6 for pre- Acupuncture Conference bike ride. Saddle sore from riding 2 days ago, and my shoulders are sore, too. But great news - I found my lube! <- Those tears are of relief! Missed finding the anti-fog, and wound up [...]

5 Common Food Intolerances

Food hypersensitivity encompasses food allergies and food intolerances, and these two conditions are not the same, although they sometimes present similarly. Here are the 5 most common food intolerences, and what you can do about them...


Solving Constipation

  Sometimes it can be hard to let go of things, can't it? Earlier this week I had a client with my-definition-of-severe-constipation which was that she didn't have a BM for a full week. In the past, she'd been told to be grateful, some people didn't move their bowels but once every three weeks! Did you know, [...]
