A second reason for mental cognition issues is environmental. If you have ever walked into a room that had a lot of perfumes in it, it might have gotten to you and might have been a little strong, that will actually tax the liver. And because the liver is responsible for 30,000 different independent actions in your body, including clearing toxins out of your body, you can wind up with cognitive issues. In that case, most likely temporarily, but you might be a little less clear headed. That’s an example of one that we can smell easily.

In this day and age, a lot of people, their sense of smell isn’t so good. And so they might not notice what’s in their environment and what’s infecting them. In many climates, mold is very common. And if there is mold in your environment, it can very easily affect your energy level, your mental cognition, your ability to think clearly, and to make good choices.

At one point, I had in my house, some wall unit air conditioners. And I know that they– I knew that they needed to be cleaned. And every day, I would end my workday and I would be super full of energy and ready to go home and tackle those air conditioners and clean them. It wouldn’t take long, I knew it would take about an hour to clean it, no problem.

And for five days in a row, I went home, and I had my dinner. And I sat down, and then my thought was, I’ll clean the air conditioners after I have my dinner. And for five days in a row, I lost three hours every night to just sitting and watching movies, which isn’t something I would normally do.

What was happening was the mold that was in those air conditioners was affecting me. And it was affecting my energy level and it was making me tired and dumb. When I did finally clean those air conditioners, actually, I got them out of my house, it didn’t happen at all anymore. Then I came home and I had plenty of energy and could do all the other tasks that I was interested in doing. So mold can really affect your environment.

By the way, here in our clinic, we do a blood test to find out what environmental toxins may be affecting you deleteriously. Another test that we can do for that is a stool sample test. And these tests are so effective and so helpful. It’s amazing what you’ll learn, and it’s also fantastic what you don’t have to worry about.

Oh, I don’t actually have that going on, so I can cross that off the list.

—— We Are Longevity Wellness Clinic

Longevity Wellness is dedicated to providing excellent healthcare to the Sarasota, Bradenton and Gulf Coast community, as well as client, learning and coaching opportunities for our world-wide online community.

Our practitioners’ medical education included extensive training in Chinese medical theory and diagnosis, acupuncture, herbal medicine, nutrition, western medical theory and diagnosis, as well as massage and Qi Gong. Our practitioners each has their own unique specialty. We are all devoted to integrating the use of Chinese medicine with the more mainstream western care most people receive, and we are proud to be a part of the established professional medical community in the Sarasota and Bradenton, Florida regions.

Longevity Wellness Clinic
Phone: (941) 841-0599
528 48th Street Court East
Bradenton FL 34208