

Carpal Tunnel Treatment – Acupuncture

Carpal tunnel syndrome has become commonplace in our society due to the proliferation of technological devices in work and personal life - but the condition results from many other situations as well. Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) encompasses several similar issues (known as entrapment neuropathies), which compress peripheral nerves and result in weakness and pain in the extremities. The median [...]


How Acupressure Can Bring Quick Relief

You may have heard of the benefits of acupuncture - but if you need quick relief and cannot get to a TCM practitioner, acupressure might work for you. Acupressure activates specific spots, or points, on the body that can release tension, stress, pain, and stiffness. The therapy moves life energy (qi) along the body’s energy pathways or meridians. Acupressure [...]

How Acupuncture Affects Holistic Health

Acupuncture is one of the most popular and recognizable traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) methods, although many Americans remain in the dark about how this therapy can help them in their holistic health journey. The use of needles, pressure, and heat promotes healing in various regions of the body and has proven to treat many types of pain successfully. We [...]

2022-12-14T00:26:29-05:00Acupuncture, TCM|

Discover These 6 TCM Treatments

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) involves ancient and natural healing methods that recognize the cohesive and unbreakable relationship between the body, mind, and spirit. TCM offers many therapeutic methods designed for patients to achieve and maintain optimum health. Although used for centuries, these methods are still largely unfamiliar to those accustomed to Western-style medicine. In this article, we take a [...]

2022-11-25T00:26:49-05:00Acupuncture, Qigong, TCM|