Bridget’s Story – Weight Loss & Better Health
Fillers are substances that we put under the skin to help lift the skin back into normal proportion. Today’s discussion is on the advanced placement of dermal fillers.
I’m here to tell you about how you can stop stress eating and overeating, and binge eating, using a method that is called, Mindfulness-Based Eating and Living Awareness.
We don’t just treat you. We educate you and empower you to be a part of your healing journey, to participate as an equal partner.
You may be familiar with the Galderma family of products, which is Restylane; Restylane Lift, Restylane Kysse, Refyne, Defyne.
Functional Medicine is getting to the bottom of why you are feeling fatigued, constipated, bloated, you can’t lose weight, and why you are maybe irritable.
What our goal is to look at the youthful face where you are now and where you’ll be going, and how we soften the changes that we develop over time.
I’ll tell you my story and what made me become a dietician. And that was actually a very, very, very taxing eating disorder.