You may have heard that acupuncture can heal your headaches or help with mood swings. Many people consider the treatment effective for curing insomnia, strengthening the immune system, and helping relieve chronic allergies.

Others seek acupuncture practitioners to help with blood pressure, digestive support, and even fertility. There are many reported benefits of acupuncture, but it is still misunderstood mainly within the bounds of Western medicine. This traditional and ancient Chinese treatment is getting a lot of attention, but there are still some basic questions many people have regarding acupuncture.

Let’s look at some fundamental concerns patients may have. 

Top Three Acupuncture Questions

1. Does It Hurt?
When people hear that acupuncture uses needles, the fear typically kicks in. They have visions of the needles they have been subjected to at the doctor’s office in the past, but these needles are entirely different instruments. Acupuncture needles are extremely fine, and they feature rounded tips which prevent the tissue from being cut or damaged during treatment.

While some people are more sensitive than others, most patients barely feel anything during treatment. Even those who experience sensation rarely describe it as painful or uncomfortable. You may feel a heaviness or some throbbing – but without the accompanying pain typically associated with that sensation. Some patients have reported their skin feeling warmer, even feeling as if the injection site is getting hot. Every reaction described here is considered normal.

These mild responses promote endorphins and deliver them to the specified area of the body, increasing blood flow and providing any needed relief.

2. How Does It Work?

Acupuncture has its origins in ancient China and is a crucial element of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). It was originally believed that the practice cleared blockages in energy passageways throughout the body, which were associated with both physical and mental health issues.

The Chinese purported that removing the blockage permitted energy to flow adequately, healing the body and mind.

While contemporary Western doctors may not phrase how healing takes place quite the same way, the ancient beliefs aren’t necessarily wrong. Today’s physicians believe acupuncture promotes the body’s natural healing capability by encouraging more blood flow to the affected area. 

3. Does Acupuncture Have Side Effects?

There are no serious adverse side effects to acupuncture treatments. After a treatment, some patients may feel tired for a short period of time. In less than 1% of cases, minor sensations such as muscle twitching, etc. may be experienced.

Because acupuncture helps the body to release toxins, some patients may undergo detoxification symptoms after treatment. Be sure to speak with your practitioner about any side effects you may be feeling. 

What Conditions Can Acupuncture Treat?

Acupuncture is utilized as a treatment for many medical conditions. Research has proven effective against allergies, arthritis, headaches and migraines, depression, hypertension, back pain, and more. Additionally, the evidence points to acupuncture being effective against acne, alcoholism, fibromyalgia, female infertility, and obesity.

Acupuncture is also a practical addition to other treatment plans. For instance, those undergoing chemotherapy for cancer may experience extreme nausea. Acupuncture can help ease those side effects while also boosting feelings of well-being and helping alleviate anxiety. 

Depending on your physical and mental health, an individual may experience relief after a single acupuncture treatment or require multiple visits. Typically, chronic conditions require additional visits, while acute problems may need only one or two treatments. 

If you are in search of effective holistic options for your healthcare, acupuncture may be your answer. Call the experienced acupuncture practitioners at the Longevity Wellness Clinic in Bradenton to learn more.