Hello. I’m Dr. Denise Baker and welcome to Longevity Wellness Clinic. I’m going to talk to you today about two other types of fillers. One of them is hyaluronic acid gel and the other is calcium hydroxylapatite.

I like these two types of dermal fillers to help restore the normal support for your skin and it helps to reduce the changes of our skin that have occurred since we were exposed to sun and life and all kinds of events from our 20s on.

We use the dermal fillers to help support the skin and we would like to use ones that are natural products. So the hyaluronic gels and the calcium hydroxylapatite are the two favorite classes of fillers that we like to use.

I select the fill that you need for your skin where you are right now based on what I see with the exam and what you discuss with me as far as your goals.

But we’ve had a good breakthrough with one of the fillers, the calcium hydroxylapatite, that has now been actually approved by the FDA. I like to use products that are FDA-approved but this recent one, the Radiesse with the calcium hydroxylapatite has been approved for support along the jawline.

So we select the filler that you need but one of the things that I see with my clients from about age 40 or 45 and on is that they’re starting to lose that beautiful, youthful contour of the jawline.

So when you look in magazine and photographs of the young, beautiful models or the young, handsome models, they have a very well-sculpted jawline and that’s something that very subtly over time is something that we lose the definition of.

So we can actually restore the normal volume in the upper face, in the area of the brows and the area of the temples. Now most of us don’t notice it so much because we don’t look at ourselves in profile.

But the increase in temporal hollowing in this area is a subtle sign of either fat loss, performance athleticism or chronologic aging. But with our Radiesse product, we can support the brow and bring that back up to a normal restitution. We can actually soften or smooth out the temporal hollowing.

We use it to support the cheeks well and then to really give beautiful definition and a handsome demarcation along that jawline.

If we have had bone resorption which happens for most men, slower than for women because men have better testosterone support for their bones. But for women, once they start through the pre-menopause time, they start to lose bone faster. And how do we see this in women? We see it with laxity or looseness of the skin around the area of the mouth.

So if I need to restore the appropriate shape and dimensions for your chin, I can also use the Radiesse for actual chin augmentation.

Now certainly if you need a large surgical procedure, I actually can refer you to someone who can do a larger surgical procedure.

But for those of you who have limited social downtime, who want a gentle, soft and natural approach, we actually have our dermal fillers for you and we have a variety, both of hyaluronic acid gels and we have the Radiesse or the calcium hydroxylapatite that gives good lift, good support to your skin structures to restore your normal youthful radiance.

So come seem me at Longevity Wellness Clinic and I would love to be able to sit down and talk with you and discuss what your needs and set out a plan that meet your goals right now.

[End of transcript]

Transcript by Prexie Magallanes as Trans-Expert at Fiverr.com