Hi! Welcome. My name is Natalia. I am a mindfulness-based registered dietician in functional medicine and nutrition and I’m here to tell you about our “Sexier than a Donut” amazing program that is very comprehensive where you come with a goal of losing weight because you’ve just tried it all. All diets under the sun and you’ve had success and you lose 20 pounds and then you gain it back and then you guilt yourself out and then there’s the “What the heck!” effect.

So what I can provide for you and into our program is a space where we really see what have been experiences in the past that have been holding you back form sustaining the weight loss. When I coach people as a dietician into their journey with weight loss, a lot of it is emotional.

So our program is not just “Hey, eat this, not that.” It’s actually a lot of why are we eating. How are we eating? Are we stress eating? Are we overindulging because of coping with a specific situation or a life? And then we also look at your neurotransmitters and there’s a lot of supplements that sometimes people are taking that are not the right fit. So we look at that. We’re detectives right here.

So this is a very comprehensive program where we take a journey and we had an amazing success of a client who lost about 30 pounds. But she changed her mindset about food and that she sometimes would really cope with her emotions with food.

So I think a lot of people are unable to keep the weight off because you’re just not aware of why they eat certain things and how they eat because some people do have a good idea of what to eat, that for a lot of people is the how, the implementation. So I will meet you where you’re at in terms of how willing you are to do certain things to be successful and then we have a conversation about the best meal planning strategies.

Some people like to follow a very specific meal plan, breakfast, lunch, dinner and the snacks, for your height, for your weight, for your activity level, for your schedule, for your family.

So we would really get that honed in and then you will let me know, hey, you know, this is working, this is not working. I need more of this, more of that. We keep up with your schedule so that we can see what is working.

So when Dr. Baker comes in and also Dr. Cynthia, they handle some other specific areas that are also going to impact your weight loss. I am pretty much here to hold you hand by hand and get you through the whole way of this amazing weight loss journey that I guarantee you will be successful because you will discover the real reasons why you are not losing weight and we do that through accountability, through motivation and through really getting to the journey of sustainable weight loss for long term.

So I’m really, really excited for you to come into this program so that I can show you how you can feel better, live a vibrant life, have the energy that you want so that you can really do the things you want to do and so that you don’t feel hungry and deprived.

There’s really not a reason to feel hungry or deprived and be obsessing about foods, you know, which we sometimes do and sometimes when we’re thinking about the food over and over and we are told that we can’t have it, sometimes we just have it over and over and we overindulge and it’s a cycle, right?

We think about the food, we eat it, we overeat it, and then we guilt. So really we discuss and go deep into the cycles that are helping or not in your weight loss journey.

So that is something very important to understand that it’s a big part of actually losing weight. Also achieving emotional health as it comes to your weight and your self-acceptance and where you are in your life and maybe learn how to forgive yourself about certain things that you’ve done in the past. Maybe to your body, the way your body is and maybe there’s some trapped energy there that is not allowing you to help you lose weight in a sustainable way and just kind of sabotaging you.

So this is a very comprehensive program and it’s the right for you if again you’ve tried all diets under the sun without success and you know a little bit of what to eat but you just haven’t made it really work for you in a way that it becomes a lifestyle, in a way that it has to be thought out. I am here to tell you and teach you the very quick, simple meal planning techniques that work for a lot of people that are very – little time-consuming, so you can be successful and also have time to do the things you like to do.

So I’m excited that you will join this program and that I will be able to work with you and teach you a lot about nutrition and all the elements that impact your weight and your health and so that you can actually reach your weight goal for long term.