Hi, welcome. My name is Natalia. I am a Registered Dietitian, and I have been into food and the way we connect with food for a very long time. So I’ll tell you my story and what made me become a dietician. And that was actually a very, very, very taxing eating disorder.

When I was in my teenagers, I never fit in. I was always thinking about food, what was the latest diet to follow, and really, food consumed my thoughts and my energy, to the point where, unfortunately, things got out of control. And I almost lost my life weighing 160 pounds when I was a chubby kid, around 14 years old, and going all the way down to 83 pounds.

So it was it was scary. But I have to tell you, if it had not been through that experience, I wouldn’t be able to make the impact that I do on individual’s health on the day-to-day, because I’ve been there. And I’ve done everything that a lot of people sometimes are afraid or maybe judge themselves for doing. So I know how being confused about what to eat, and the emotions that get into what we eat, and when we eat, and how we eat, and how life sometimes can be consumed about making the right choices and not seeing results and being frustrated, and unhappy with your body and how you feel in your skin.

And it’s been a long journey for me, and that’s why I love to do what I do, which is bringing awareness of which foods actually work for the human body, based on how we were made and our digestive, and cellular ability. I also really specialize in behavior change, because a lot of people do know what to eat. I kind of thought I knew what to eat with, but not all the time. So now, I’m an expert at that.

But then, it’s the how we eat. Are we at ease out of what we eat? Those meal prepping become a struggle and something that we’re just really not looking forward to. Or, are we putting energy? And do the meals that come out of that meal prepping session that it doesn’t need to be five hours on a Sunday, just you know, it can just be an hour, maybe for half a day while you get your groceries?

So what I teach is how you can live a life that you feel good about and how you can really develop habits, and how you can make choices that lead to longevity and health and feeling really good about yourself. And how do I know I can do that? Because I’ve been there and I’ve done it, and I’m here for you to be able to succeed.