Natural Treatments For Digestive Disorders
Everyone experiences digestive problems at some point in his or her life. It’s estimated that 1 in 5 Americans suffer from digestive disorders from an inflamed, diseased or imbalanced gastro-intestinal system. Most sufferers typically seek indigestion remedies through over the-counter medications to alleviate symptoms without addressing the underlying problem. In some cases, digestive disorders become so severe, that they develop into serious diseases like inflammatory bowel disease, peptic ulcer disease, pancreatitis, and acid reflux.
Minor digestive system problems can quickly turn into major problems if they are left untreated. Thankfully, you can help manage your daily digestive health in a few simple yet effective ways.
The gastrointestinal system is a complex set of organs responsible for digestion, nutritional absorption and waste elimination. Symptoms of digestive health disorders or inflammation are hard to miss. Many people suffer with chronic constipation, diarrhea and abdominal cramping, yet they are unaware of the cause for their discomfort. There is a direct correlation between GI health and the body’s immune system. When the ‘gut’ is not well, neither is the rest of the body.
While there are many different ways that you can help keep your digestive system healthy right at home, it is important to know when to reach out to a medical professional if your symptoms become too much to handle. Chronic gut symptoms could be a sign of more-serious health conditions, such as acid reflux, ulcerative colitis, gallstones, a parasitic infection, or Crohn’s disease.
Are you ready to take control of your digestive health and identify a personalized set of indigestion remedies that are optimized for you?

We Heal Digestive Issues Naturally
“All diseases begin in the gut” – Hippocrates.
During your visit with Longevity Wellness Clinic, an integrative physician will spend time discussing your lifestyle, family history, and diet and all other aspects of your life. We strive to identify the root causes of your GI issues, whether it’s dietary, genetic, environmental or some other related cause. During your evaluation, we may recommend some tests to help determine the root cause of your digestive disorder. Once we have a well-rounded picture of your digestive health, our integrative physicians will discuss a number of indigestion remedies and create a customized treatment plan to help heal your gut.
Your treatment plan may include removing GI toxins from your diet and managing food sensitivities, such as gluten or dairy intolerance. Additionally, we incorporate natural healing techniques to help lower inflammation, boost immunity and allow the body to make a full recovery.