Natural Treatments For Dementia
Throughout life, your brain helps you navigate the world and manage daily tasks, so maintaining good brain health is a key part of aging well.
Regardless of age, your brain changes all the time in a process called neuroplasticity. As you interact with the world and learn and practice skills, your brain grows new connections and repairs broken ones.
However, the brain begins a slow and gradual decline in volume as your neurons start to shrink in your 30s. By age 70, cognitive abilities can vary and early signs of Alzheimer’s and dementia may appear.
What you eat, what you think, and how you feel can impact your health and lead to the disease process. By addressing each area, the body is more capable of healing.
You may want to consider getting a head start on your brain health if you have a family history of Alzheimer’s disease or dementia. Other factors that can affect brain health include drinking too much alcohol, taking certain medications, and not getting enough sleep.
Declining brain health is not an inevitable part of aging. If you’re concerned about your brain health for any reason, the experienced team at Longevity Wellness Clinic can help.
We evaluate your brain health with cognitive testing and create a personalized treatment plan.
We’re committed to helping you make the most of your brain through a combination of holistic and traditional methods, including nutritional supplementation and behavioral therapies.

Holistic Memory Loss Treatments
We’re treating not only your dementia symptoms but the source of your symptoms using the most advanced techniques to return you to the highest level of health possible. We will provide you with a comprehensive physical and neurological examination and specific diagnostic testing may be performed to further assist in determining your diagnosis and the most appropriate course of treatment.
For people struggling with memory decline, or those who just want to keep their minds healthy as they age – we are here to help.
Getting well and remaining well is an art and each one of the plans was developed to meet each individual’s needs. Remember doctors cannot cure, however, your body can heal given the appropriate assistance from the team at Longevity Wellness Clinic.
If you or a loved one is struggling with dementia or memory loss, contact us today to schedule a free assessment.