Researchers have found that due to our modern ways of life, even our everyday surroundings can force us into a state of constant, low-grade stress.

We’ve grown so accustomed to all the clutter, fluorescent lights, and noise surrounding us that we don’t even realize anymore how our environment is adversely affecting us. Those studies reveal that when individuals are under environmental pressure,  their stress hormone levels can elevate, negatively impacting mental and physical health.

Here are three major stressors that you should be aware of when evaluating anxiety levels in your daily life.  

1. Noise Pollutants

We are completely immersed in a cacophony of noise – from traffic to sirens, loud music, video calls, appliances, lawn mowers – the list goes on. Constant exposure to noise pollution can result in high blood pressure and heart attacks, so it is vital to seek out quiet times. The easiest thing to do is turn off your TV and radio and take out the headphones. You can add insulation, soundproof your window treatments, play soothing music in your home, or add nature sound machines to your office for a more permanent solution.

2. Air Pollutants

Our air is tainted with chemical smells, mildew, and toxic odors, and we have no control over the air quality outdoors, which can raise our stress levels and encourage disease and illness.  To help your body, place  dehumidifiers in your home to reduce humidity and keep your space well-ventilated with fresh air as much as possible. Another stressor common in Florida occurs when our bodies experience temperature fluctuations too quickly. Carry a sweater over the summer to keep your body temperature more stable when you walk from a sweltering hot sidewalk into an A/C cooled building.

3. Visual Chaos

A cluttered work area can easily elevate stress, but even more so when the clutter spreads into your home and personal life. Dishes in the kitchen sink, laundry piling up in the corner, and children’s toys all over the floor can make everything seem chaotic and out of order.  Most people don’t even realize how negatively this impacts our anxiety levels. Clutter affects productivity and adds to the frustration of the day. 

Clutter reminds us of how far behind we are falling – so creating visual rest is essential to lower the building stress.

You can declutter by going through your belongings with the classic “keep, donate, throw away” method. Contact all of your creditors and ask them to send online bills to reduce paperwork on your counter. Invest in a filing cabinet to organize personal documents. 

You would be amazed at how freeing it can be to have a visually clean, clutter-free space surrounding you at work and home.

Solutions You Can Implement Today

Creating Stress-Free Zones: When you live and work with other people, you often share close quarters. While your coworker may think listening to rock music is soothing, you may not. While your children need time to play, you may find the noise and clutter too much to bear after a long work day.

Every environment will have common areas that everyone shares, so it is essential to have a personal space that is perfectly relaxing for you. Call it a private oasis or a safe haven, but it can reduce stress significantly. 

Integrating Nature:  There are many ways to incorporate nature into your daily life. Taking a daily walk through the woods and breathing fresh air is an optimal solution, but get creative if that isn’t possible. You can sit near a window with a view of the outdoors, listen to water sounds by adding a small desktop fountain or set up an aquarium in the room.

One of the easiest ways to use nature to improve your stress levels is to add green plants. Studies have shown that green plants can improve mood, relieve stress, and even increase productivity.  

Incorporating Natural Lighting:  Artificial lighting is a subtle but pervasive source of environmental stress. In addition to fluorescent lighting being harmful by raising cortisol stress hormones, a lack of sunlight can trigger depression and raise your stress levels as well.

When establishing a workspace, incorporate as much natural lighting as possible. Keep blinds and shutters open and remove anything that blocks the sunlight. An alternative is to use full-spectrum lighting or OTT lights to benefit from natural lighting while boosting your mood.

There are other methods individuals may use to reduce stress, including massage and acupuncture. If you seek alternative natural ways to lower the stress and anxiety in your life, call the naturopaths at Longevity Wellness Clinic today. We can help you to achieve your optimum health.