Today, I’m going to talk to you about some of the pitfalls of training, especially endurance cardio training.

One other piece that I will mention in here is that – and this is a little bit heavy. So please forgive me but it’s a safety issue and it’s very important is that endurance cardio athletes, our biggest risk of a fatal event on race day happens at the swim and at the start of the swim and it happens because we’ve been in taper.

So we are a little more anxious because all of that racehorse energy that we have spent months and months building up is ready to go. So we have a lot of energy and we’re walking into cold water and oftentimes without as much of a warm-up as we might otherwise do because it’s race day and it’s going to be a long day for us. So we’re going to do gentle warmup on this.

That happens from heart attacks right at the swim and there are ways to make sure that you are paying close attention and building a healthy heart as you go along.

Endurance cardio athletes can wind up with enlarged hearts or a variety of cardiac issues. It seems unfair because we’re doing so much cardio which should be good for us and it is. But we’re also pushing the limits.

We’re testing ourselves and we’re truly testing what is possible. One of the things that we love about doing this sport is that it reaches our boundaries of what is possible, right? We’re doing the impossible. We’re doing what less than – it’s point zero, zero – there are 12 zeroes. One percent of humans ever do is to participate in this sort of sport.

In order to do that, we want to be able to see our blind spots and at Longevity Wellness, we have a specific tool that lets us see the functioning of the valves of the heart and specifically identify what nutritional deficiencies might be contributing to any abnormalities that we’re seeing.

We can have that person take a supplement, have our athlete take their supplement within 30 minutes so we can tell whether or not that’s correcting what we need to correct and it will show everything from mineral deficiencies to adrenal fatigue. Especially my ladies, if you are training for Iron Man or if you’re doing Iron Man and you’re getting fatter, then most likely you have adrenal fatigue.

If that sounds surprising to you, then absolutely. Just look at the racehorse and you will see people that have a thickening through their waist and a little bit more weight. Oftentimes, even sometimes, women will tell me that they gained weight during their Iron Man training.

So if that’s happening to you, know that it is correctable and you just need to work with someone to get you on the right adrenal and endocrine system supplements to make sure that your body is responding appropriately.

Iron Man training is awesome and it’s fantastic and it’s amazing and it’s way better with the right support.

I’m Dr. Cynthia Clark and I would be happy to help support you and be part of your team if you decide to do Iron Man or Half Iron Man or an international or Olympic distance or even a sprint triathlon. I would love, love, love to support you and make sure you’re doing it in a healthy way so that you feel even more fantastic at the end of it.

I’m Dr. Cynthia Clark and that’s good medicine.

—— We Are Longevity Wellness Clinic

Longevity Wellness is dedicated to providing excellent healthcare to the Sarasota, Bradenton and Gulf Coast community, as well as client, learning and coaching opportunities for our world-wide online community.

Our practitioners’ medical education included extensive training in Chinese medical theory and diagnosis, acupuncture, herbal medicine, nutrition, western medical theory and diagnosis, as well as massage and Qi Gong. Our practitioners each has their own unique specialty. We are all devoted to integrating the use of Chinese medicine with the more mainstream western care most people receive, and we are proud to be a part of the established professional medical community in the Sarasota and Bradenton, Florida regions.

Longevity Wellness Clinic
Phone: (941) 841-0599
528 48th Street Court East
Bradenton FL 34208