Hello and welcome. I’m Dr. Denise Baker at Longevity Wellness Clinic and I’m coming to you today to talk about a fascinating option that you have for health care. I’m going to talk to you about the power to self-heal. And specifically, I’ll talk to you about PRP.

Now, you might have heard or read about PRP. Well, what is PRP? What value is it for you? Why might you be interested in it? Why might you be interested in it for someone in your family?

PRP is short for plasma-rich protein. But what is that? What we do is we would draw your blood because we want to target a particular area that is important for healing. We want to power your own rejuvenation potential with PRP. We have a specific group of programs that we use this for.

But how is PRP done? You come in. We will draw your blood. And the blood that we draw, we are going to use your own natural, normal self. We will spin it down in the centrifuge and we will get rid of the red cells and we will get rid of the white cells. But what’s left is this golden liquid at the top which is the plasma. We call it PRP, plasma-rich protein, because it concentrated all of the healing and the growth factors that are circulating throughout our blood the whole time into a small vial. And then once that PRP is isolated then we will inject it in the proper location.

So how do we use PRP? Well, you may want to come in to our Face Forward program where we talk about facial aesthetics and when we do microneedling, we do microneedling with PRP to enhance the speed of recovery and to accelerate the process of healing that you get from your microneedling exposure.
We also use it for hair growth. So for those who have either had male or female hair loss, we can use it to help rejuvenate and restore the nutrients at the level of the hair follicle. We will also recommend additional nutraceuticals for you to use in conjunction with your PRP.

And also, since 2008, we’ve run a program where we use PRP to actually enhance and help heal some of the joint abnormalities that people may have. We will still get our usual types of joint evaluation. We do want the consult with the appropriate surgeon. And if you are interested in the option of healing the area, we can actually inject it.

What areas do we normally inject? Most commonly, our knees, we can do ankles, and we can do shoulders. We also have done some patients who have had problems with their fingers, their joints, their thumbs, and elbows.

But why does this work? Well, it’s interesting because especially with joints, joints have a very low or limited blood supply. It’s your blood supply that carries all these nutrient growth factors to the area of damage that needs repair. But it’s hard to get the same volume, the same concentration of the nutrients to that area because the blood supply is so very low. So we bypass the normal vascular system and with appropriate guidance, inject it into the area that needs the healing.

How many sessions you need will be determined by what your symptoms are, by what your pathology or your damage is, and the location of the abnormality. But if you’re interested in talking to us about the power to self-heal, the power to use your own plasma, the power to use your plasma-rich protein to help your skin, your hair, your joints, your aches, your pains, we want to help you power your rejuvenation potential in our PRP program at Longevity Wellness.

I’m Dr. Denise Baker. Thank you for joining us and please give us a call. I’d love to help you with your health care.