If you’re in your 40s, then you might be experiencing some new challenges, some new stresses in life. Maybe you’ve got kids, and you’re worried about, OK, maybe you’re now a good dad. Or, can you ever figure out how to be a good dad? Because it’s always a practice, right?

But maybe now you’re thinking about oh, college fund. You’re concerned about long term financial issues. Or maybe you’re thinking about your own retirement fund, or possibly taking care of your parents in your– in their elder years. And maybe you’re thinking about all of those. You might even be exploring yourself a little bit and coming to learn some things about yourself, and be feeling a little disoriented around that.

In addition, you might be experiencing for the first time, some erectile dysfunction issues. Know that it doesn’t have to be a permanent state. Sometimes these are caused by medications that you’re taking, sometimes they’re caused by lifestyle. A sedentary lifestyle, by the way, is one of the number one factors towards erectile dysfunction, and also low testosterone.

Many people get their testosterone numbers checked. But one thing that a blood test can’t tell you is what your number exactly should be. There’s this really wide range, right? And some guys are totally fine and totally comfortable towards the lower end of that range. And some gentlemen are very uncomfortable in the middle end of that range. Their natural state is to have much higher testosterone.

So if you didn’t get your testosterone checked until your 40s, when in your 20s, you might have been a super high testosterone person, you’re going to feel very much not yourself. Expert counsel through qualified practitioners can help you identify how close to your true natural self you are. And having healthy testosterone levels is important, not just for sex. It’s really important there too. But it’s also important in your immune system, in your cardiovascular system, and in disease prevention, long term.