My evening! Dinner date with an old favorite author, Brian Greene of “The Elegant Universe,” a favorite exploration of String Theory. Here he is fielding questions at the World Science Festival. Topics are black holes, Hawkings Radiation and a note about how Hawking changes his mind about radiation being preserved – based on an argument in part from string theorists, also pianos as information carriers. He fields questions from young people around the world. A favorite funny moment: Q: “Where did all the stuff for the Big Bang come from?” A: “I dunno! That’s one of the big remaining mysteries.” Followed with a lovely perspective by Liebniz.
Does inflation presume pre-existing space, and if so where did the pre-existing space come from? It’s based on the Theory of Relativity, based on Space Time, that is that it can change over time and there is a natural explanation of why the Universe may have gone through a period of rapid expansion. But – How can you have expanding space if you don’t already have space? How can you have expanding time if you don’t already have time?
I confess I did NOT want to turn this off at 30 mins to do my Yoga today, but I DO want my nearly-perfect compliance in IM training this week! So here is my 20 min Yoga for Triathletes for tonight. 🙂. After doing it, I think next time I’ll do it in the morning, so that I’m not walking around stiff and tight all day!
Roll call! Please comment below if you’re a Brian Greene fan. Or a String theory, quantum physics, & philosophy fan. 🙂. Some I suspect/know are: Ken Ray, Robyn Thompson Kennedy, Scott Seago, Leana Ahmed, Emily Dugas Bollinger, Chuck Pisa