Over three million people in the United States suffer from anxiety. A person with anxiety often may downplay this, may feel like they need to just truck through it and diminish their own needs.
They will do that until it becomes non-sustainable for them and they can’t breathe. They feel like their heart is going to pound out of their chest and they may feel unsafe, like they have to pull over driving or they might feel like they’re not being a good parent.
These kinds of markers of anxiety are actually the very far end. Anxiety can happen much earlier on and there are many different causes for anxiety. It can be caused by heart issues. It can be caused by dysregulated thyroid. It can be caused by blood sugar dysregulation and in Chinese medicine, we might say it’s caused by yin deficiency or yang deficiency.
Any of these factors can play into it. So we think our clients who walk in the door with anxiety are very brave because we know that it takes courage to recognize that there’s a problem. Believe that there is a solution because there is and it’s important. Anxiety is often an early marker of cardiovascular disorders that are correctible with the right nutrients and when they come in to clinic, it’s a pretty easy process.
They spend about an hour and a half and we take a few non-invasive, simple, easy-to-do tests, ask some questions, have a little conversation and check them out, see what’s coming up as their priority organ.
By that I mean which organ system it is that’s contributing to anxiety. It might be their liver and we might see a little bit of stagnation or toxicity in the liver that’s making them feel out of balance. It might be their heart. There might not be enough juice getting to the heart and in those cases, we just prescribe the herbal supplements or the Whole Foods supplements or the acupuncture treatments that are the right ones for those particular organs.
So the treatments are pretty simple. The changes that take place when people don’t have to walk around with a big bear of anxiety on their shoulders are dramatic because then they can really focus on what it is that they need to do in that moment and not be distracted by feeling like that they’re going to come out of their skin or wondering what other people are thinking about them or if anybody knows how crazy they feel or that thing that happens when you can’t hold space and anything anybody else says feels like it’s going to really rub you the wrong way. Like you’ve got really thin skin.
Those are all signs of anxiety.
So anxiety is a pretty common complaint. Not that – I don’t mean that people have it for a long time. I mean everybody tends to have it at some time and when it hits, then it’s really distracting.
So in some cases, it has happened due to a parasite cleansing process and as the parasites were being expelled from the body, they hold on to serotonin and there was like a serotonin dump process that was happening.
So that particular client just felt really beside herself and in just a few hours, not even that, with the appropriate acupuncture treatment and the energy work that we did on her and adjusting her supplements appropriately, she left a completely different person and she was a small business owner.
So as a small business owner myself, I know how important it is to be fully functioning and on your A-game every minute of the day. So it really touched my heart to see her back to her level-headed usual self and able to deal with her day in a much more calm way.