If you’re experiencing erectile dysfunction, or taking Cialis or Viagra in order to not experience erectile dysfunction, then you may want to know information about what could be causing it, especially if you’re young and pretty healthy.

There are a number of medications that can contribute to erectile dysfunction, and they are high blood pressure medications. And I really wish that they put that in bold letters on the label. Because most of the people that I find that have erectile dysfunction, and that have been on high blood pressure medication, have been taking it for years and years and years, and nobody ever told them, that that was a likely outcome.

But in addition to the high blood pressure medication, is also included antidepressants, sedatives, and ulcer medications, and then some anti-androgen medications that are used to treat prostate cancer. So that’s, they usually going to talk to you about that, make sure you understand that.

Lifestyle factors that can contribute, things that you’re experiencing that are related to erectile dysfunction might be anxiety or depression, might be low self-esteem, or stress. And this stupid rigged game of concerns about sexual performance, you know, you get in your head, you’re thinking about it, and then it’s not working the way it should.

So, the cardiovascular system is connected to the reproductive system, and it’s really just a pump and some tubes. And it’s got the heart at one end, it’s got cardiovascular system in between, and then it’s got the penis on the other end.

And when the flow, when the blood flow is working properly, then that entire equation works the way that it should. And when it’s not, it doesn’t. And overthinking is one of the things that can cause blood to go too much to the brain and not enough to being in your body where you should be during this time.

It’s not just medication. So, there’s a number of lifestyle factors and habits that can contribute to this. So erectile dysfunction can be worsened by smoking, especially if you’ve smoked for quite some time, drinking alcohol, and also using illicit drugs, or being physically inactive. And physically inactive is really a huge one.

Do you know that over 26% of Americans are sedentary? Years ago, when I started working out at a new gym, this one happened to be a CrossFit gym, the personal trainer that own that gym told me that he had multiple clients share with him that they had been experiencing ED, until they started working out with him.

It’s a really vigorous training program, and we tended to do it at like five o’clock in the morning, so it’s a big lifestyle change for people. But when they started getting their blood flowing, then their bodies started changing, and more fully responding.

So, know that decisions that you’re currently making that you don’t know what decision you’re really making. By that, I mean, if somebody told you that the high blood pressure medication was going to be erectile dysfunction in three years, you might think twice about it and you might choose, maybe I’m going to try dietary recommendations first, right?

It’s fair for you to know all of the information about the decision that is yours to make, so that you’re clearly making a decision that you want to be making.