Gentlemen in your 70s and beyond, congratulations! You have probably successfully retired, although maybe not so much. You might be back for round two or round three, you’ve lived a full and productive life. But some particular life stressors can be frustrating at this time. You might be bored, you might be irritated, you might just want to kind of have things your own way and not be bothered by other people.

That’s all okay. There’s a lot that can be done with that. Most importantly, though, is you’re actually the best version of you you’ve ever been. You’ve had a whole life to learn how to be the man that you believe in being, and develop the character and the integrity that is truly leadership to the rest of society. So we need you and we need your voice, and we need to healthy.

Some of the health challenges that tend to face men in their 70s are things like prostate cancer, cardiovascular disease, lung cancer, and a lot of men turn to alcohol in order to deal with their stress. Now, you might not think that there’s something anything wrong with a drink or two per night.

But rather than having an opinion about what’s right or wrong, better to look at the data, better to make sure that you’re getting your blood levels checked, and you’re finding out what the status of your liver is. You want to look at your AST and your ALT, and your BUN, and your creatinine levels. And you want to make sure that those are staying in healthy range. If that’s out of range at all, you need to pay close attention to your alcohol intake.

In 2020, the world’s alcohol consumption, but especially the United States increased. In one week, we increase our sales 54% over the previous year. If you didn’t own stock in a liquor company at that time, then you missed out. I did.

We all got a bit bored and we all turn to the bottle a bit, and it’s okay, it’s reversible. It doesn’t have to be a big deal, as long as you take action, and you make the course correction that you need to take. Just like a pilot flying from point A to point B, he’s almost never exactly on course. He’s always a little bit one way or the other because you got to deal with winds and you’ve got to deal with heat. You’ve got a lot of factors you’ve got to look at. But as long as your course correcting in a timely manner, then it’s fine. You can live your happy, healthy life.