Fibromyalgia is the second most common condition affecting bones and muscles, affecting 4 million Americans (or about 2% of the adult population.) Yet it is still widely misunderstood and often misdiagnosed for such a prolific condition.  There is currently no cure for fibromyalgia, but there are holistic methods that can help to manage symptoms.

Those living with fibromyalgia experience general pain and achiness throughout their body. The disease is also characterized by:

  • Muscle pain, burning, twitching, or tightness
  • Low pain threshold 
  • Pervasive fatigue
  • Trouble focusing and remembering (“fibro fog”)
  • Insomnia 
  • Feeling anxiety or depression

Other symptoms that may indicate the presence of fibromyalgia include stomach pain, nausea, constipation, and diarrhea; headaches, dry mouth, nose, and eyes; sensitivity to cold, heat, light, or sound; frequent urination; numbness and tingling in the face or extremities. 

Where Does Fibromyalgia Come From?

As stated, the medical community has not determined exactly what causes fibromyalgia. However, experts believe that it stems from a malfunction in how the brain and spinal cord process pain signals from your nerves.

When a healthy person is injured, nerve signals travel from the injured area through your spinal cord to your brain, which senses these signals as pain. As you heal, the pain lessens, and in time it goes away.  But those with fibromyalgia hurt all over – even when there is no sickness or injury.

A patient with fibromyalgia may possess more cells that carry pain signals than usual, or fewer cells that slow pain signals – resulting in constant, amplified pain.  Minor injuries hurt far more than they should, and the patent often feels pain for no reason at all. 

Certain risk factors have been identified, including if the patient has:

  • Another painful medical condition such as arthritis.
  • Mood disorders, such as anxiety or depression.
  • Physical or emotional abuse that changes the way the brain handles stress
  • PTSD.
  • Lack of exercise.
  • Family history  – fibromyalgia tends to run in families, and parents may pass on genes that result in pain sensitivity. 

The condition is much more common in women than men. Researchers believe this could be related to differences in the way men and women experience and react to pain and how society has conditioned their pain response. 

Treating Fibromyalgia Naturally

Traditional physicians turn primarily to three FDA-approved drugs for the treatment of fibromyalgia. There is no cure for the condition.

Holistic doctors and naturopaths take an overall approach that may include:

* Medicinal herbs that contain antioxidants, anti-inflammatory substances, and biochemical substances offering antimicrobial properties.
* Natural diets that include lots of fresh, whole foods, plenty of hydration, and healthy fat and protein sources.
* Detoxifying the environment by using natural products on your hair and skin, purifying the air, and spending more time amongst nature (outside and in.)
* Cultivate a calm atmosphere by taking frequent breaks, walking, meditating, doing yoga, and taking calming herbs.
* Incorporate exercise into your daily routine, including appropriate resistance training and outdoor time if possible.

Pain and lack of sleep may cause fibromyalgia patients to give up on their natural cures and reach for the “quick fix” pain relief. This is understandable, but you may want to try one of these alternative ways to relieve muscle pain.

Adaptogens: Ashwagandha and reishi are good for balancing stress hormones.
Regular massage: Massage improves range of motion, better circulation, and muscle relaxation.
QiGong and polarity therapies: Energy-based healing methodologies are performed by trained practitioners and involve the movement of energy to help heal the body.
Acupuncture: This is the most widely practiced form of alternative pain management in the country.
Cannabidiol oil (CBD): Derived from hemp, CBD oil helps ease pain, supports immune system functions, calms an overactive nervous system, and encourages sleep for many people.

You Can Treat Fibromyalgia Naturally

Call Longevity Wellness Clinic today for more information on getting relief from your fibromyalgia pain – naturally.