Carpal tunnel syndrome has become commonplace in our society due to the proliferation of technological devices in work and personal life – but the condition results from many other situations as well.

Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) encompasses several similar issues (known as entrapment neuropathies), which compress peripheral nerves and result in weakness and pain in the extremities. The median nerve most affected via CTS runs through the wrist into the hand, sending signals to the thumb and first three fingers. The tunnel is narrow, to begin with, so when the tissues become swollen or inflamed, the nerve tissue can become “pinched.” The syndrome is common in those who use their hands in repetitive movements, whether in the workplace or in certain sports. Hobbies and pastimes that use the hands can also cause this type of injury.
carpal tunnel treatment

Unfortunately, the debilitating effects of carpal tunnel syndrome not only affect the user when performing the action that caused it but also hinder hundreds of daily tasks. The wrist’s compression of the median nerve can cause fingers to lose their feeling while also causing severe pain and discomfort. Many people think that their only option to gain relief is surgery.

However, acupuncture has been proven to alleviate symptoms without drugs or surgery. Here is the information you need.

How Do Acupuncture Practitioners Treat Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?

Acupuncturists use the ancient art of acupuncture to enhance the flow of Qi (the TCM term for life energy) and blood to the tissues located in the wrist. This increase in circulation can minimize the pressure on the median nerve caused by swelling and inflammation, restoring normal nerve function.

Acupuncture methods and techniques may also facilitate the damaged nerve’s healing process, accelerating and optimizing that healing. The precise insertion of acupuncture needles in strategic locations can stimulate the nerve to manufacture a new axon (the elongated portion of the nerve tissue that transports the brain’s signals to the fingers.)

A professional acupuncture practitioner may use a combination of the needling process and traditional Chinese herbs. The primary acupuncture points utilized in carpal tunnel syndrome treatment are known as Daling, Neiguan, Waiguan, and Wailaogong. Your TCM practitioner may employ any combination of these points – as well as additional secondary points.

What Do Studies Say About Acupuncture for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?

Medical studies using placebos have proven that acupuncture provides relief for those suffering from carpal tunnel syndrome. In one research effort, those who received either traditional acupuncture or electro-acupuncture exhibited physiological improvements compared to those who received a placebo or sham acupuncture treatment.

Carpal tunnel syndrome can cause damage to more than just the median nerve; it can also impair the brain region (somatosensory cortex) that moderates the sensations of touch. The research indicated that the acupuncture recipients experienced a signal re-mapping in this part of the brain, allowing sustained CTS relief.

Longevity Wellness Clinic provides expert treatment in many traditional Chinese medicine techniques, including acupuncture. The needling process can help patients to overcome carpal tunnel syndrome symptoms by utilizing natural and holistic methods that activate the body’s own self-healing techniques.

If you are ready to be free of the pain of carpal tunnel syndrome – or any other chronic pain you are living with – call Longevity Wellness Clinic today. Our clinic has experts in a wide range of holistic techniques and nutritional healing methods that can provide lasting relief without drugs or surgery.