Hi. I’m Dr. Cynthia Clark, acupuncture physician, applied clinical nutritionist, creator of Energy Evolution and President of Longevity Wellness.

Are your genes your destiny? Cellular biologist Dr. Bruce Lipton conducted this experiment. He took a healthy cell and he put it in a Petri dish of cancer cells. Then he took a cancer cell and he put it in a Petri dish of healthy cells.

What he wanted to find out was what makes a healthy cell healthy and what makes a cancer cell cancerous? What he found was that when he put the healthy cell in the environment of the cancer cells, it got cancer and when he put the cancer cell in the environment of healthy cells, it got healthy.

From this, he determined that the cellular environment is what ruled the health of the cell and as a result of this experiment and his understanding and learning, he had to resign his post at Stanford University because he was teaching a class on genetics which taught that your genes were your destiny and he was proving conclusively in the lab that that was not the case.

This is the field of epigenetics and today we’re going to talk about epigenetics and acupuncture.

Acupuncture and electro-acupuncture affect the expression of certain genes. This means that it is entirely possible to bio hack your health using acupuncture.

In a 2009 study, asthmatic rats were treated with acupuncture and their genes were analyzed for changes. The results. Our serial analysis of gene expression called the SAGE analysis indicates that the gene expression profile of the early airway response known as EAR phase of asthma could be effectively and specifically regulated by acupuncture, which suggests that the gene expression of immune response in steroid hormone may play an important role in this treatment.

This is absolutely critical. For the past 20 years, steroids have been the primary intervention in asthma. As a result, immune systems have decreased. The skin of the bronchials has decreased and we have more deaths from asthma today than we ever have.

Acupuncture is effective in upregulating the immune system and strengthening the early airway response so that our little ones, our children, can avoid the use of steroids for asthma. In a 2012 study, normal rats, before and after acupuncture in contrast to drugs, acupuncture upregulates various organ systems that are hypofunctional or downregulates hyperfunctional systems.

Acupuncture is considered a mechanical signaling process. The essential effects of acupuncture include the regulation of macro, molecular, biosynthesis, transportation and metabolism.

What this means is very simply, in whatever way your body is out of whack, acupuncture will help regulate it and bring it into homeostasis. I’m Dr. Cynthia Clark with Longevity Wellness and we would love to help you bio hack your health.