Chuck Pisa, BS, LMBT, LMT, CPEH
Esoteric Healing & Meditation

Chuck Pisa, BS, LMBT, LMT, CPEH is an energy healing therapist, coach and massage therapist currently working in Brevard, NC and Sarasota, FL. He holds certifications in both Esoteric Healing (NAEH) and Therapeutic Massage & Bodywork (NCBTMB)) and as a Nutraceutical Consultant.

Chuck began studying Esoteric Healing after his own dramatic and miraculous recovery from a life-threatening illness and wishes to help others with their journey from illness to health.

Chuck’s unique blend of Esoteric Healing, reconnection therapy and coaching allows all aspects of healing, whether physical, emotional, mental or spiritual to proceed according to the clients own specific needs using a variety of self-discovery systems.

He also teaches classes on energy therapies, esoteric studies, esoteric astrology, Human Design and The Ageless Wisdom along with facilitating both in-person and on-line discussion and “deepening” groups with the goal of offering support, knowledge and wisdom toward better understanding and love of oneself and others.

functional medicine clinic bradenton