Adrenal glands may be small – about the size of a bean – but they are powerhouses. Located on top of the kidneys, these glands are responsible for the adrenaline released in a “fight-or-flight” situation. This adrenaline gives humans maximum use of physical capabilities to get out of these types of situations. 

Internal and external stressors resulting from our busy, on-the-go lifestyles can cause overstimulation of the adrenal glands and result in adrenal fatigue. This fatigue can show up in a wide variety of symptoms that can decrease quality of life.  

If not treated, adrenal fatigue can transition into a shutdown of the entire adrenal system – typically meaning a trip to the hospital. To avoid an emergency, be aware of these seven symptoms: 

1. Issues with Your Vision

Chronic, ongoing stress on the body can result in various vision disorders. Hyperventilation syndrome and tired ciliary muscles are two of the more common eyesight problems resulting from adrenal fatigue. One of the more serious disorders related to adrenal fatigue is partial mydriasis.

This condition causes the pupils to remain dilated in bright light, resulting in extreme sensitivity. When healing from adrenal fatigue, individuals should avoid eye strain caused by reading small text or being in front of too many screens. Instead, they should stay indoors or in the shade until the condition heals. 

2. Lack of Motivation 

Adrenal fatigue erodes daily energy levels rapidly, and motivation can become nonexistent. Getting back on track and discovering new inspiration is only possible when hormone levels return to normal. Patients should do everything possible to avoid negative feelings, which can lead to depression.

Nutrient-rich foods such as avocados and wild-caught salmon contain essential fatty acids to aid recovery and prevent brain inflammation.

3. Dizziness Upon Standing

Recovering from serious adrenal fatigue involves a lot of time relaxing. However, if you are suffering from adrenal fatigue and have been sitting down for any length of time, be careful when you stand up. Cortisol, which regulates blood pressure, is decreased due to adrenal fatigue, which causes blood pressure to drop.

Low blood pressure can produce a head-rush and momentary, temporary blindness when you stand up suddenly. Hold on to a piece of furniture, or lean against your car, to prevent fainting. 

4. Salt Cravings

Essential minerals, needed for maintaining physiological and neurological function in the body, are often depleted when the adrenals are compromised. Aldosterone, a hormone produced by the adrenal glands, is responsible for absorbing chloride and sodium into the bloodstream.

A lack of aldosterone results in the body’s inability to regulate and monitor these vital minerals, and instead of being retained by the body, they are evacuated via the urine. These minerals are also key to maintaining proper hydration levels, as low levels of sodium and potassium make it challenging for the body to retain enough water. Expert tip: Pink Himalayan salt will help you retain water and salt in your system. 

5. Brain Fog

Adrenal fatigue disrupts the function of the central nervous system, impacting cognitive processes. Cortisol is instrumental for the proper function of the central nervous system and brain. A lack of cortisol can make thinking seem foggy or slow, a sign of the metabolism rerouting energy to other biological systems within the body. Adding fish oil to the diet will assist the brain in handling the stress of adrenal fatigue. 

6. Psoriasis

DHEA and cortisol are hormones that help the body cope with elevated levels of inflammation that result in a skin disorder called psoriasis. This condition presents itself as discolored scabs known as “plaques.” People with healthy adrenal function typically do not develop this dermatological condition.

7. Irritability and Anxiety 

The hormone imbalance related to adrenal fatigue can cause irritability and frustration. Little things that would generally be “no big deal” can inspire extreme annoyance and anger. Too much emotional stress will eventually manifest as outbursts of uncontrolled emotion. Patients are urged to remove themselves from any situation that may incite these conditions. Adrenal fatigue can also result in higher anxiety levels and feelings of being overwhelmed. 

There are Solutions

The Longevity Wellness Clinic helps Bradenton area residents identify and treat adrenal fatigue by determining the underlying causes and treating the symptoms. If you are experiencing any of the above symptoms and want to find natural solutions, call us today for more information.