Happy New Year! I hope you had a really fabulous holiday! If you're like most people you ate some degree of different, delicious food during this time. This weekend you might have experienced (or still be experiencing) a bit of a Holiday Hangover. If you like to skip ahead to the end, here's the moral of this story is: all detoxes are absolutely not the same. Put your time, energy, and money where you'll get the biggest payoff. Keep reading to learn more.You might be experiencing this if you've felt: • Aching joints • Fatigue • Difficulty sleeping • Moods - especially grumpiness, irritability, and impatience • Malaise - not feeling like doing anything • Low motivation • Bloating, gas, and belching • Slow Brain Many people do experience one or more of these symptoms post-holiday. It's usually followed by some vague plan of "I'll start eating better in the next couple of weeks," WHILE having the LOWEST MOTIVATION of the year! With this bad setup, is it any surprise that most people get off to a terrible start on their New Years Resolutions, then feel horrible about themselves for failing so quickly, and then avoid looking at their resolutions, and fail to follow through on them? That's one way the game is rigged. But what if there's more? Let's talk about energy for a moment. Helping people get their energy back is one of my VERY FAVORITE things to do. This part is why it's so personally important to me, and it has to do with my own story - heads up, it's a little personal. Maybe you know a little about my story: while I have long been a highly motivated self-starter, working my way through engineering school, I couldn't have been further from this version of myself when I started my clinic in Tampa back in 2012. Although I was passionately in love with practicing, I was having to take 2-3 naps a day, usually at the office! Coffee worked IN THE REVERSE on me, and would usually put me to sleep. That was NO GOOD! And even though I'd kept myself in shape over the years by various activities, running for a mile would exhaust me for two days. It wasn't just an inconvenience, it was HUMILIATING! Here I was trying to become a health care provider and I wasn't a very good example of good health: EVEN THOUGH I ate the best food possible, cooked it all myself, and in short, did EVERYTHING right! What to do? Luckily, I trained with some of the most advanced and elite practitioners in the country, and I learned the techniques that helped heal my body. I use those techniques to this day, and it's why I am so grateful to be able to train for Ironman competitions now - because there was once a time that I really couldn't run a single mile. What was wrong with me during that time, that nearly destroyed my life? Three main things. (1) My body wasn't getting enough minerals, quite severely. (2) My thyroid needed the right FOOD, of which iodine is one but not the only nutrient. (3) This one's a little gross, so get ready - I had parasites in my heart! When I took the right nutrients to heal, I started getting more energy, less aches and pains, and I saw THINGS in my toilet water. After that, my heart felt a LOT better! *Side note: how do parasites move so fast? It's a technique called gliding, and here's a picture of it.
Source: https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/acsnano.0c01893 So yes! There is such a thing as parasitism, although it's often overlooked. And yes, you can get parasites in humans, and a parasite cleanse is important. Here's one of my favorite videos that I've done on Parasites. Just click the link below the image of one of my favorite parasite books.
Paradis and heavy metals, oh my!
Ever since then, every year - usually twice a year - I do a Purification system. This is a massively awesome, safe, natural, and EFFECTIVE reboot to my system. I ALSO check for whether I need to add in a parasite cleanse. Where do you get parasites? Travel - foreign countries have different organisms. Pets and children pass parasites around easily - that's why you give your dog anti-parasitic heartworm to avoid those parasites. But there are others - they're sneaky and they hide and lurk and throw a wrench in the works. A few examples: Parasites from contaminated food and water: More common: Giardiasis Cryptosporidiosis Cyclosporiasis Less common: Amebiasis Ascariasis Trichinellosis (trichinosis) Taenia infection Fascioliasis (liver fluke) From Vector-borne Transmission More common: Malaria Leishmaniasis Less common: Chagas disease Lymphatic filariasis African sleeping sickness Onchoceriasis How do you know if you have parasites? Symptoms of Intestinal Parasites can be different from Parasites in other parts of the body. Here's a great tip about parasites: they get more active during the full moon. So if you have ANY symptoms that get WORSE around the time of the full moon, you can safely bet they're related to parasite infection. And those are almost always best treated by the safe natural and effective means of herbal and whole food treatment. The pharamceutical treatments are much harsher on the body.Signs and Symptoms: Parasites can live in the intestines for years without causing obvious symptoms. When they do, symptoms may include the following: • Brain Fog • Diarrhea • Nausea / vomiting • Gas/bloating • Mucus or blood in stools • Itching anus or rash • Stomach Pain or Tenderness • Tired / fatigued • Weight loss • Worm in stool Some of my favorite references about parasites are: Your Brain on Parasites Parasite Rex Here's our friend Sarah Butler sharing about the Purification:
Parasites can throw a wrench in the works, so it's to see if you need to add Parasite Cleanse to your Purification Program? What does the Purification Program do? There are three phases: How Do the Three Phases of Metabolic Detoxification Work? Phase I: Unlock The body transforms fat-soluble toxins to an “unlocked” state that is more water-soluble, and in many cases, more toxic than its original form. SP Detox Balance delivers key nutrients. Phase II: Neutralize The highly toxic substances produced in Phase I convert to non-toxic molecules and become even more water-soluble. SP Detox Balance delivers key nutrients. Phase III: Eliminate Water-soluble toxins leave cells, and the body eliminates them. SP Detox Balance delivers plant-based fiber to aid toxin elimination. Is Nutrition Important During Metabolic Detoxification? The detoxification system is highly dependent on proper nutrient support for optimal functioning. This product provides significant amounts of protein and key amino acids including those required for conjugation enzymes (phase II enzymes). It's a good source of fiber and magnesium among other vital nutrients. Fasting or poor nutritional support during a detoxification program has many adverse health effects, including decreased energy production, brain fog, mood and sleep difficulties, and a breakdown of lean tissue. Metabolic and liver detoxification are energy-dependent processes, and maintenance of adequate energy supply is crucial. The moral of this story is: all detoxes are absolutely not the same. Put your time, energy, and money where you'll get the biggest payoff! I LOVE to help people get their energy and clear thinking back - in short, get THEMSELVES back! Call TODAY to get started on your Purification System now, and get the New Year off to a GREAT start! And to help motivate you, I'm going to offer something I've never offered before: ten percent off your Purification Program! Just call or email today to get started! :-) This offer is good through JANUARY 23rd, but why wait to feel great? Get started today! Happy New Year! Dr. Cynthia Clark & Longevity Wellness