Why are safe and natural cures for pain relief also so effective?  If you have ever experienced pain, or you’re over 50, or you’re an athlete, then you’ve probably experienced the frustrating and sometimes debilitating pain that limits your lifestyle.  WHY do they work, and what are my favorites?  As a triathlete and small business owner, I’m motivated to get out of pain quickly!

Why do natural cures work so well for for pain relief?

  1. Anti-inflammatory properties: Many natural remedies for pain relief have anti-inflammatory properties, which can help to reduce inflammation in the body that may be contributing to pain.  Inflammation to injury is natural, but long-term inflammation is a pain in the bupkis!  It also contributes to arthritis, heart disease, and cancer.  Anti-inflammatories reduce cytokines and prostaglandins.  Some well known natural anti-inflammatories include turmeric, ginger, omega-3s and green tea.  See my article on NSAIDs and heart disease for why not to reach for Advil or Aleve when you hurt!
  2. Analgesic properties: Some natural remedies, such as turmeric, ginger, and willow bark, have analgesic properties, which means they can help to relieve pain.  Turmeric is one of the most well-researched anti-pain herbs, but there is one problem with it.  As effective as it is against pain, it doesn’t absorb well.  There are a couple of “tricks” to help absorption, but the best one is combining it with Fenugreek.  Turmeric Forte by Standard Process has Turmeric and Fenugreek in it, and studies show that combination to be up to 225 times as effective as turmeric alone.
  3. Fewer side effects: Unlike some prescription pain medications, many natural remedies have fewer side effects and are less likely to cause addiction or dependence.
  4. Holistic approach: Most importantly, natural remedies can address the underlying ROOT causes of pain rather than just masking the symptoms.
  5. Placebo effect: It’s important to note that the placebo effect can also play a role in the effectiveness of natural remedies for pain relief. When people believe that a remedy will work, their expectation can actually help to reduce their perception of pain.  This can work both ways.

My personal favorite safe natural and effective pain relief:

Remember the basics: water, sleep, and don’t eat inflammatory foods like sugar, gluten, dairy, and fried foods.

For fast acting:

Hot inflammation: Standard Process/MediHerb Turmeric Forte: Turmeric, Fenugreek

Increase pain tolerance and hot inflammation: Standard Process/MediHerb Boswellia Complex: Boswellia/Frankencinse, Turmeric, Ginger, and Celery Seed

Muscle tightness and spasm: Standard Process/MediHerb EZ Mag: Whole food magnesium: Buckwheat Leaf, Swiss Chard, Beat Leaf – has flavonoids similar to elderberry and green tea.  It’s also high in rutin, which treats easy bruising, bleeding gums, and bilateral earlobe creases!

Pain due to fatigued muscles: Standard Process/MediHerb Rhodiola and Ginseng, or Rhodiola and Schiassandra.  See my article on Rhodiola to learn about this amazing herb!

For long term corrective healing.

General: Standard Process/MediHerb Catalyn Whole Food Multivitamin

Omega 3: Standard Process/MediHerb Tuna Omega 3, Cod Liver Oil, or Olprima EPA/DHA (DHA is especially important for any kind of brain damage like concussion).

Minerals: Standard Process/MediHerb Prolamine Iodine/Organically Bound Minerals/Trace Minerals B12/Min Tran/Min Chex.  Your body needs minerals to properly conduct electricity and heal.

Circulation: Standard Process/MediHerb Cataplex B Core/CardioPlus

Endocrine/Thyroid Support: Standard Process/MediHerb Symplex F/M / Thytrophin /

Blood Sugar and Metabolism: Standard Process/Mediherb Metabol, Detox Chai, Diaplex https://longevitywellnessclinic.com/blood-sugar-metabolism/

There are many more an argument could be made for.  What are some of your favorites?



https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S147149141500043X. Genetics and the Placebo Effect