Functional Medicine

Home/Functional Medicine

Parkinson’s & Esoteric Healing

A client was referred to me by his medical doctor for Parkinson’s disease because it was getting worse: increasing tremors of right arm and right leg; loss of balance and fine motor skills; difficulty standing erect and walking; difficulty sleeping; cramping of abdominal and spinal erector muscles and severe cramping of right foot. One of the modalities of [...]

Dementia and Type 3 Diabetes

\What does dementia have to do with diabetes? As it turns out, A LOT. Let's take a look at some history. Ready to do something about this? Scroll to the bottom to learn how to JUMP off the SUGAR WAGON! This is what the food pyramid used to look like. Although the science behind it was quickly found to [...]

Seven Antioxidant Powerhouse Foods

Eating high-antioxidant foods increases your blood levels of antioxidants and supports your body’s ability to fight back against free radicals. When you eat brightly colored fruits and vegetables, cook with spices, and drink beverages such as coffee and tea, you consume antioxidants that will improve your overall health.